iverilog 编译器工具使用
- 代码实现功能
- 仿真波形
- testbeach
7.1 full adder
Implement the full adder of two 1-bit binary numbers in Verilog.
- Use the dataflow level description to implement the logic functions of both the sum and the carry for the higher-bit.
- Use the gate level description to implement the logic functions of both the sum and the carry for the higher-bit
module fulladder(input a, // 第一个1-bit输入
input b, // 第二个1-bit输入
input cin, // 进位输入
output sum, // 和输出
output cout); // 进位输出
// Dataflow level implementation for sum and carry
assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; // 异或操作生成和
assign cout = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin); // 与操作和或操作生成进位
`timescale 1ns / 1ps // 定义时间单位和时间精度
// Testbench without any inputs or outputs
module fulladder_tb();
// Testbench内的信号声明
reg a; // 测试a输入
reg b; // 测试b输入
reg cin; // 测试进位输入cin
wire sum; // 监测输出sum
wire cout;// 监测输出cout
// 实例化全加器模块
fulladder uut (
// 控制台输出判断正确性
initial begin
$monitor("now a = %d, b = %d, cin = %d, sum = %d, cout = %d\n"
, a, b, cin, sum, cout);
// 测试例程
initial begin
// 初始化输入
a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0;
// 组合输入的所有可能性
#10 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1;
#10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 0;
#10 a = 0; b = 1; cin = 1;
#10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 0;
#10 a = 1; b = 0; cin = 1;
#10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 0;
#10 a = 1; b = 1; cin = 1;
#10; // 等待时间以观察最后的输出
// 模拟结束
$dumpfile("wave.vcd"); //生成的vcd文件名称
$dumpvars(0, fulladder_tb); //tb模块名称
iverilog -o wave adder.v adder_tb.v
vvp -n wave -lxt2
gtkwave wave.vcd
❯ iverilog -o adder adder.v adder_tb.v
❯ ./adder
now a = 0, b = 0, cin = 0, sum = 0, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 0, cin = 1, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 1, cin = 0, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 1, cin = 1, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 0, cin = 0, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 1, b = 0, cin = 1, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 1, cin = 0, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 1, cin = 1, sum = 1, cout = 1
对 adder.v
module fulladder(
input a, // 第一个1-bit输入
input b, // 第二个1-bit输入
input cin, // 进位输入
output sum, // 和输出
output cout // 进位输出
wire ab_xor; // a和b的异或中间结果
wire ab_and; // a和b的与中间结果
wire ab_xor_cin_xor;// ab_xor和cin的异或中间结果
wire ab_xor_cin_and;// ab_xor和cin的与中间结果
// Gate level implementation for sum and carry
xor(ab_xor, a, b); // a 异或 b
and(ab_and, a, b); // a 与 b
xor(sum, ab_xor, cin); // ab_xor 异或 cin
and(ab_xor_cin_and, ab_xor, cin);// ab_xor 与 cin
or(cout, ab_and, ab_xor_cin_and);// ab_and 或 ab_xor_cin_and
now a = 0, b = 0, cin = 0, sum = 0, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 0, cin = 1, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 1, cin = 0, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 0, b = 1, cin = 1, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 0, cin = 0, sum = 1, cout = 0
now a = 1, b = 0, cin = 1, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 1, cin = 0, sum = 0, cout = 1
now a = 1, b = 1, cin = 1, sum = 1, cout = 1
7.2 voting circuit
Implement the voting circuit of 7 people in Verilog.
- If more than 3 people agree, the decision is approved. Otherwise, the decision is rejected.
- Use the behavior level description to implement the logic function of the voting circuit.
// 定义投票电路模块
module voting_circuit(input wire [6:0] votes, // 7位输入,代表7个人的投票
output wire decision); // 输出决定
// 实现投票逻辑:如果同意的人数超过3,则决定被批准
assign decision = (votes[0] + votes[1] + votes[2] + votes[3] + votes[4] + votes[5] + votes[6] > 3)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
module voting_circuit_tb;
reg [6:0] votes; // 7位投票输入
wire decision; // 决定输出
// 实例化投票电路模块
voting_circuit vc(votes, decision);
// 测试不同的投票情况
initial begin
// 测试所有人都不同意的情况
votes = 7'b0000000; #10;
$display("Votes: %b, Decision: %b", votes, decision);
// 测试只有3人同意的情况
votes = 7'b0011100; #10;
$display("Votes: %b, Decision: %b", votes, decision);
// 测试超过3人同意的情况
votes = 7'b0111100; #10;
$display("Votes: %b, Decision: %b", votes, decision);
// 测试所有人都同意的情况
votes = 7'b1111111; #10;
$display("Votes: %b, Decision: %b", votes, decision);
$dumpfile("wave.vcd"); //生成的vcd文件名称
$dumpvars(0, voting_circuit_tb); //tb模块名称
iverilog -o wave voting_circuit.v voting_circuit_tb.v
vvp -n wave -lxt2
gtkwave wave.vcd
Votes: 0000000, Decision: 0
Votes: 0011100, Decision: 0
Votes: 0111100, Decision: 1
Votes: 1111111, Decision: 1