
The first feature is the emphasis on the horizontal.

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Chinese structure is based on the principle of balance and symmetry.

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Traditional buildings are sited in order to be in harmony with nature and to receive qi from auspicious directions.

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Categories of ancient Chinese architecture

  • Imperial architecture
  • Religious architecture
  • Residential


Beginng in han Dynasty, develop in Six Dynasties and Tang-Song dynasties. After Song moved to Linan, garden soon surpass those in the north of yangtze river.

gallery 长廊

surrounded by a wall and includes one or more ponds, rockeries, halls, pavilions, bridges, trees, trees and flowers, connected by winding paths and zig-zag galleries. Open areas partitioned by galleries or walls with latticed windows or beautifully shaped doors. it is like a scroll of landscape painting.

the main hall

using for banquet or family discussion

the facing-four-sides hall(四面房)

provide great landscape

pavilion(亭) terrace(台) tower(楼) tower/pavilion(阁)

diff between tower and pavilion

the pavilion is smaller and many windows are set in the second floor, where the books is placed

the central element of a garden

The finiteness of space and the infinity of space (mountain v.s. water)

concealment and surprise


