When most people think of educator, they recall __ such as __ or think of __. Yet there are educators working in _ . In fact, education is all around us every day, in all facets in our lives. It is in _, as well as in _. The quelities that makes those big name educators can be effective whether one is _ , or _.

There are opportunities for education all around us that involve _ . Without education, our _ will fall apart. The educators of tomorrow will come from _ , just as they always have. You can start now, wherever you are, to practice education in your own life. Education is an everyday way of _ that has little to do with _ .

When most people think of an educator, they recall historical figures such as Aristotle or think of modern-day professors. Yet there are educators working in non-traditional settings. In fact, education is all around us every day, in all facets of our lives. It is in museums, as well as in online platforms. The qualities that make those big-name educators can be effective whether one is mentoring a colleague, or coaching a sports team.

There are opportunities for education all around us that involve interactive learning. Without education, our societal structures will fall apart. The educators of tomorrow will come from diverse backgrounds and experiences, just as they always have. You can start now, wherever you are, to practice education in your own life. Education is an everyday way of engaging with the world that has little to do with formal qualifications.