

Explore the pathes of innovation

Scale the Heights of Technology

Welcome everyone to join us and experience Chengdu, stepping into the new research area.

I’m the host of the Entrepreneurial Heroes Hub, 进第二张 your best friend——Andy!

And here are the three investors coming today, double Chen Partners and the heir of Cao Commercial Group. Welcome!

This program is jointly presented by Chen Company and Cao Company.

进第三张 ppt 第一张图 Today, in many medical related fields, non hospital infusion is extremely unstable, which brings great difficulties to rescue operations, 第二张图 such as rescuing disaster victims after earthquakes and treating wounded in land wars. 第三张图 Today, an entrepreneur from Chengdu told us that he has solved this problem.

Now,he is going to show his product to us.


I’m going to show you a small magic trick. Watch this, I’ll fit this balloon onto the bottle neck.

(Fits the balloon into the bottle neck)

(Blows air into the balloon, covers the opening with the hand)

Now, pay attention. Air is sticky. Stop, right? Am I right?

Come over here for a moment. You, too, put the balloon in, place it on the bottle neck. Let’s all blow into it together, okay? Three, two, one, go!

Can you do it? No? It’s really… You need a bit more practice, haha.

So, we blew air into the balloon, right? Let me ask you: Does air have weight?

It does, right? So, I’m going to grab it, let it settle, right here.

(Releases the opening, flips the bottle)

Pour out the air.

Alright, you’re right, the bottle has a hole. Where’s the hole? Where I’m holding it.

Well, this magic trick is a little bit foolish, but it’s quite thought-provoking. Now, let’s watch a quick video.


介绍(视频后)(对应新 pptxP 5,6)

//How do you use the golden capsule?

So how should we use the golden capsule?

First, remove this small rubber plug; its function is similar to that of my finger.

Then we insert the needle into this part.

//And how does it work?

The unique feature we designed allows you to control the infusion speed using this roller. The roller adjusts the size of the opening, just like the hole I drilled in this bottle. The larger the hole, the faster air can enter, and the faster the speed.

That’s my brief overview of the product.

主持人:Please tell us the percentage of equity you are offering today.

企业家:10 percent.

主持人:Now, let’s move on to the discussion segment.


陈可: It is very convenient for the medical staff on the battlefield. The staff won’t have to hold the medicine bottle for a long time, and it takes at least half an hour to make a medicine. I could imagine how tired it will be. 工作人员就不用费劲的举着药瓶非常久了,打一个药水至少要半个小时,这想想都累人啊

CTY: Yes,it can be hung on the belt of clothes This is really a great idea! The golden capsule can be easily fixed at places like collars and belt loops. 这真是一个非常棒的想法啊像衣领,裤腰带这些地方都能够很好的固定了

陈可: The raw materials are also very simple, no electricity is needed, which is very suitable for use in the wild without power. If there is a war or disasters such as earthquake, electricity shortage is greatly possible to happen. Those injured people can only hold the infusion with their hands when they are moved out. So I think it is a good idea. 像战场,或者是四川地震那次一样,肯定是停电了嘛。那些伤员在搬出来的时候只能手举着输液,在营地也不一定会有电。我觉得这真的是一个很好的创意。

((Discuss the weaknesses with the contestant))

CTY: But this rubber seems to be a little unreliable. Our everyday balloons age or leak once used. Is there any such problem with this one? 我们日常的气球那些不是用一下就老化了,或者是会漏气什么的这个会不会也有这种问题

Answer: No. At present, we use medical-grade rubber for the rubber part inside, so there is no need to worry about the time, and the medicine will not be affected at all. We have special tests to ensure the safety of our product. In our test, we place the gold capsule for 6 months, and there isn’t any rubber can be detected. 目前里面橡胶的部分我们采用的是医用级的橡胶,不用担心存放的时间时长,药品也不会收到一点儿影响。我们有专门的测试来保证这个东西的安全性。

陈可: What is the selling price? Is it much more expensive than the common drug bag?

Answer: The answer is 40 yuans (just kidding). So, compared to what’s out there, our similar product is like an electric pump, but way more cheaper. Sure, it might be more expensive than a basic plastic drug bag, but we’re confident that our product will got a big market.

CYT: How large do you estimate the market is? Or which companies have you chosen to cooperate with? 这个市场规模你预估是多大的?或者你现在已经和哪些企业达成了合作了?

Answer: Our product has just completed development and is ready to enter the market. I believe our gold capsule can cooperate with multiple international medical organizations, especially in countries that are often affected by disasters, such as Japan and Korea. Currently, we have also established contacts with some medical institutions, and I believe we can see the presence of our research and development of golden capsules in any disaster-stricken area. 我们的产品目前刚刚完成了研发准备进入市场,我相信我们的黄金胶囊可以和多个国际的医疗组织取得合作,尤其是一些经常受灾的国家,像日本/韩国。目前我们也和一些医疗机构取得联系,我相信我们能看到在任何受灾的地区都能看到我们研发的黄金胶囊的身影

主持人:Now, let’s proceed to the rapid-fire Q&A segment. 进第五章 ppt


  1. Is this product too complicated?Will a few rubber bands also do the trick?

We thought about using it too. But here’s the thing - it’s tough to get them to keep a steady and adjustable flow. Imaging a doctor in a hurry to save a patient, trying to set up an IV super quick, but then having to slow down the drip to a slow pace. Plus, you’ve got different people- seniors, youngsters - all needing different speeds. It’s a real challenge.

  1. Well,you mentioned that the infusion speed can be adjusted, but the previous infusion speed can also be adjusted. What are your advantages?

This thing doesn’t need power, which is key in places without electricity. You can just grab it and go with your IV. And, the best part, it’s way cheaper than those electric ones.

  1. So, are those gold capsules something recyclable, or is it just like a single-use plastic bottle?

We’re considering making the parts that touch the body disposable for healthy reasons, but the outer shell can be disinfected and reused to save some money. After chatting with the specialists, they’re not totally agree unless we’ve got a perfect system. They think recycling them outdoors is a bit impractical. But I’m confident that we’ll address these concerns effectively.

  1. But in winter, the rubber material will lead to difficult heating, how to solve this?


Right now, we’re still figuring out how to improve in this aspect.

  1. Then, how does your team plan to address this issue? (语气强的逼问)

I think that we will develop a device to store or transmit it in the future. The device will have a heating function.

总:Thank you. So it seems that your product has the advantages of ease of use and high safety. If you can find a way to heat it quickly, I believe your product could play a vital role in medical rescue.

  1. 设计的难点在于如果实现速度可调节。当时我们也考虑过橡皮筋。但是无法做到匀速和可调节。特别是灾难情况,医生需要在救出患者的第一时间,打开静脉通道,但这时输液需要很慢的速度。而在针对老人,年轻人,重症患者的时候又需要不同的速度。

  2. 我们目前考虑的是,直接接触人体的部分是一次性的。外壳部分是可消毒回收再利用的。这样可以节约成本。但是我们询问了汶川地震救援的医生,韩国急救院,还有无国界医生组织,他们不太建议这样做,除非有更完善的使用流程和体系。因为一方面是法律和实际使用时消毒是否彻底等问题,还有一方面是他们认为在野外急救现场回收不太现实。

主持人:OK,now,dear investors, please make your bids.

投资者:Tally: I think it’s really a nice originality and I’m willing to put at least 3 million in your company. And I do believe that my dear dude totally agree with me.

Chen Ke: Of course I do. And I think it deserves a 5 million offer! The little gadgets will obviously make the world a better place.

Cao: Oh you just stole my words! I mean, I emphasize the product so so so so—— much. And I won’t let such a chance fly away. 8 million!

企业家:I choose Eason Cao.

主持:Please come here and sign the investment agreement.

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