Food and sex are all primal needs fo human beings. “饮食男女,人之大欲也”——孔子

Staple foods 主食

There are different attitude towards food:

  • Westerners: rational (理性的) a science
  • Chinese: perceptual (感性的) an art form
    • persuit for sensory preasure

Three Essential Factors:

  • Color eyes
  • Aroma nose
    • dispell awful smell
      • Scalding, high temperature, beer, liquor, cooking, cooking wine, Sichuan pepper (花椒)
      • Seasoning: salt, vinegar
      • Spices: scallion, ginger
      • Other: flour, orange peels
    • add aroma
      • red pepper, hot pepper, Sichuan pepper, sesame oil
  • Taste tougue
    • smelly (臭的)
    • proper amounts of spices, seasonings & condiments (调味品)
    • A large number of sooking techniques

scispy (脆的) tender (嫩的) braise (烧)

shred(丝)slice (片) mash (泥) paste (糊) strip (条) segment(段) dice (丁) cube(方形的) chunk(大块的) mince(末)


Dining wares (餐具) loading skills (装盘)

eight schools of chinese cuisin


sweet and sour carp

cream custard bun (流沙包)