TCM : traditional chinese medicine

TCD : traditional chinese dietotherapy how to use natrual nutriments to preserve health

  • The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic
  • Shennong’s Herbal Classic
  • Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases

Decoction of … 煎…


  • both effective and delicious
  • cheap and avaliable widely

Edible Chinese herbs medicinal effects

  • Ginseng(人参)
  • Red date(红枣)
  • Chinese angelica(当归)
  • Chinese wolfberry(枸杞)

Medicated diets the viscera(内脏) spleen (脾)

  • Spring Livers
    • Congee with Chinese Wolfberry, Mung beam and millet
  • Summer Heart
    • detoxify
  • Autumn Lungs
    • moisten(润)
  • Winter Kidneys
    • Mutton and Mooli Soup
    • Stew Chicken with Chinese Chestnut

Congee/porridge Sweet Potato Congee

Shallot (葱)

Two forces? Yin food vs Yang foods

  • Yin foods decrease the heat of your body and tend to bave high water content
  • Yang foods increase the heat of your body and tend to be dense in food energy, especially energy in fat

Moderate food

Rice noodles corns popatoes, sweet potatoes

Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and you won’t need a doctor to prescribe any medicine

cooking oil quality and so on…