Tea was discoovered by Shennong and became popular as a drink attributed to the Duke of Zhou. (The Classic of Tea)

Tea drinking as an art form: in the Tang Dynasty: The Classic of Tea by Luyu. It is comprehensive and detailed, desribing tea from aspects of making tea…

Luyu designed a tea set of 24 pieces for boiling and drinking tea, believing that the tea set should be easily usable and arranged in good order so that it can inspire an aesthetic (审美的) feeling.

Tea competition: in the Tang and Song Dynasties. Who’s tea is BETTER.

  • Non-fermentation (绿茶)
    • “Cleat tea water, green tea leaves.”
    • fresh and fragrant, with a touch of bitterness and long-lasting aftertaste
  • Semi-fermentation (乌龙茶)
    • Green leaves with red edging (绿茶红镶边)
    • fresh as green tea without bitter flavor
    • with more choices
  • Full-fermentation (红茶)
  • Post-fermentation(黑茶)
  • Kongfu tea