how we know the sketch of a company
- full name
- company value
- foundation 1998
- products/services
- product range
- headquartered(总部)/subsidiaries(分部)
- sales(销售额)/profit/revenue
- employees
- salary
- market share/ share price
- turnover 销售额
- profit 利润
- subsidiary 子公司(小于 50 股权)
- workforce 劳动力(国家)/员工数(企业)
- market share 市场份额
- head office 总部大楼
- share price 股价
8 1 6 3 5 4 7 2(outlets 直销)
good: caring centralised decentrualised democratic dynamic hierarchical
bad: bureaucratic conservative impersonal
- warehouse
- branch
- call center (hold on)
- distrubution center (deliver) consignment
- factory
- head office (Board of Direct 董事会 Annual General Meeting 总年会)
- subsidiary
- service center
- Non-executive directors
- chairman
- chief executive
- director/ excutive directors
- manager / middle manager
- line manager
- president CEO COO
- vice president(VP)