
~ $ joshuto
  • Move up: arrow_up or k
  • Move down: arrow_down or j
  • Move to parent directory: arrow_left or h
  • Open file or directory: arrow_right or l
  • Go to the top: home or g g
  • Go to the bottom: end or G
  • Page up: page_up or ctrl+u
  • Page down: page_down or ctrl+d

Tab Management

  • Open a new tab: ctrl+t
  • Open a new tab with current directory: T
  • Close the current tab: W or ctrl+w
  • Switch to next tab: \t
  • Switch to previous tab: backtab

File Operations

  • Rename file: a to append or A to prepend
  • Delete file: delete or d d
  • Cut file: d d
  • Copy file: y y
  • Paste file: p p
  • Paste file with overwrite: p o
  • Symlink files: p l for absolute path, p L for relative path


  • Toggle hidden files: z h
  • Reload directory list: R
  • Change directory: c d
  • Show tasks: w
  • Set mode: =
  • Enter command mode: :